Agir Local


COP 25: calculate the carbon footprint of your municipality to act

It is possible to calculate, free of charge, in less than one hour, the communal carbon footprint of each of the 35000 communes of France. Why not in your country?

Our leaders can help us out of the climate threat.

By filling a gaping gap in public policy: the articulation of local initiatives with government decisions. Starting with the knowledge of our greenhouse gas emissions, where we live, ie where we can decide it, from the municipality to the region. But in France, our leaders do not do it.

The following proposal is there to fill this void and act, without delay. I have built a spreadsheet with French data from our High Council for Climate and invites you to do the same with your national data.

Approached, the communal carbon footprint thus calculated is necessarily less precise than would the ministry and especially without the legitimacy of the public power of which I was endowed as director of the strategy and sustainable development of the Île-de-France . But the spreadsheet is simple, understandable, data sources and calculation formulas are displayed and only use public data. It is integrated in a transition kit (in french) : locale/

Better still, this spreadsheet provides a coherent measurement tool from the commune to France, including the intermunicipal, departmental and regional ones.

We can do much better, of course; the public authorities especially.

But as such, the national carbon footprint thus distributed is a good detector of projects to be built together in our territories.

Experience shows that the carbon footprint is indeed a machine to invent and reproduce effective, financeable projects. With a hidden but obvious effect when you think about it: saving CO2 gives purchasing power that can be reinvested in CO2 reduction projects.

With the criterion of kgCO2e to the euro invested in a given local project, the distributed carbon footprint that is proposed to you allows a measurement of the effectiveness of the projects at all the scales of territories, from the commune to the region, compared with approximate total of its emissions. Tool for choosing the most effective projects, it is unifying.

The distributed carbon footprint pushes to find a response to each type of greenhouse gas generators from the municipality to the region, ie to each question of change of production and local consumption, of incoming and outgoing flows of people, goods, knowledge and money. What we can call the metabolism of our territories, product of our way of life, in territories sedimented by the investments of generations that have succeeded one another.

Gradually, this tool allows to build a shared vision to organize the zero carbon objective at all scales of territory.

Better, it leads to invent a new form of local democracy.

To effectively eliminate the climate threat we need international agreements, national policies and laws, but we also need to act effectively, where we live, work, distract, where we can decide it, locally, alone or together, in the pleasure of living.

Here you will find 5 proposals for national decisions sent to our governments to mobilize and equip in France, 30 million families, 5 million entrepreneurs, 500,000 elected representatives from 36,000 municipalities, 1234 intercommunalities, 100 departments, 18 regions (in french):

Why not do the same at home?

As for us who populate our territories, you will find a tool-document of about forty illustrated pages and a presentation ppt, made from the commune of Jouy le Moutier, in the agglomeration of Cergy-Pontoise:

– The document-tool proposes analyzes, actions, projects and demonstrators more or less reproducible on our territories.

– The presentation has the unavoidable objective of mobilizing local actors. It is called « Jouy the Moutier zero carbon ».

The spreadsheet, user manual, toolkit and local pitch presentation are grouped in the local transition kit: locale /

I did not have time to translate these documents, its are in French. Translate and share. Take, in whole or in part, adapt, invent. We will only succeed by cooperating.


À propos

Alors que 3 jeunes sur 4 sont angoissés par l’avenir climatique, 26 COP et plusieurs lois transitions nationales n’ont pas réduit nos émissions de gaz à effet de serre.
Il reste 10 ans pour écarter la menace climatique et une voie que nous n’avons pas empruntée : l’action locale, méthodique, outillée, massive, là où nous vivons, là où nous pouvons en décider.
La classe moyenne et supérieure mondiale -qui émet 80% des gaz à effet de serre- tient son avenir entre ses mains.
A l ‘expérience, réduire ses émissions fait gagner du pouvoir d’achat et du bien-être, crée de l’emploi près de chez soi, réduit les inégalités et crée une nouvelle forme de démocratie dans l’action. De quoi maitriser notre avenir dans le plaisir de vivre.
Si Copenhague est en passe de réussir zéro émissions carbone, pourquoi pas nous ?

Acquis et intentions 2016
